With the SampleIt Loom you can weave samples, scarves, table runners, place mats, wall hangings or fabric strips to sew together.
Take a sneak peek:
It is quick and easy to create your own fun and fabulous scarf. Using a plain yarn just follow the warping instructions from step
1 – 26 and then wind a novelty yarn onto the shuttle and weave plain weave as per instructions 27 – 34 for the length of your scarf.
Follow steps 66 – 68 for finishing your scarf. To weave a beautiful sampler using seven decorative weaving techniques follow instructions steps 1 – 69.
To weave your first double heddle project follow the warping and weaving instructions steps 70 – 78.
A copy of this guide is included when purchasing a Samplelt Loom or download a copy for free.
With the SampleIt Loom you can weave samples, scarves, table runners, place mats, wall hangings or fabric strips to sew together.
Take a sneak peek:
It is quick and easy to create your own fun and fabulous scarf. Using a plain yarn just follow the warping instructions from step
1 – 26 and then wind a novelty yarn onto the shuttle and weave plain weave as per instructions 27 – 34 for the length of your scarf.
Follow steps 66 – 68 for finishing your scarf. To weave a beautiful sampler using seven decorative weaving techniques follow instructions steps 1 – 69.
To weave your first double heddle project follow the warping and weaving instructions steps 70 – 78.
A copy of this guide is included when purchasing a Samplelt Loom or download a copy for free.
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